2024 Berea College Undergraduate Scholarship for International Students

The Berea College Undergraduate Scholarship provides full funding of tuition, room, board, and fees to all enrolled international students for the first year of enrollment.

Berea College Undergraduate Scholarship seeks students with grit, determination, and financial need. Students ready to take on a rigorous, top-ranked liberal arts education and turn it into a rewarding career.

Students willing to work, to grow, and to expand their horizons through diversity. And students who want to join a community of support that is invested in their success.

The College encourages her students to explore opportunities that will make their four years unforgettable—from studying abroad, to paid internships and labor positions that allow them to explore their range of interests.

Scholarship Deadline: November 1, 2024

Host Country: United States of America (USA)

Eligible Countries: All Countries

Reward: Full Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria:

  • have strong academic potential and financial need.
  • have scores between 20 and 30 on the ACT (or SAT equivalent) and have a cumulative high school GPA of at least 3.0 in a strong college prep curriculum. Students may take either the ACT or SAT.
  • Other factors such as community service, leadership qualities, and levels of motivation will also be taken into consideration.
  • Application process based on merit and evidence of leadership.
  • English Language Requirement: Applicants are required to provide evidence of meeting the Berea College’s minimum English language proficiency requirements.

    Required Documents for Scholarship

    The following items are required to complete an application for admission. All materials should be submitted via the online application portal.

    • International Application for Admission and Scholarship form.
    • International Personal Essay and Essay Cover Sheet.
    • Copy of official secondary school records. DO NOT SEND ORIGINALS.
    • Personal Statement of Financial Circumstances.
    • International Financial Questionnaire (IFQ).
    • International Financial Recommendation Form.
    • Two (2) Admission Recommendation forms, at least one of which should be written by a current or former teacher.
    • Copy of official scores from at least one of the following exams: TOEFL, IELTS, ACT or SAT. You should register and take the test early in order include a copy of your scores in your packet and to meet the deadline.

Click here to apply 


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