2024 Pan Atlantic University Scholarship for Nigerian Students

The 2024 Pan Atlantic University Scholarship is aimed at  providing world-class education and a lifetime network of support  to students. The University’s curriculum  spans over four years. It is a conduit to success, paving the way for the university’s students to realise their dreams.

The institution’s community of successful alumni further extends a plethora of career opportunities, enabling you to build and nurture relationships that last a lifetime.
The 2024 Pan Atlantic University Scholarship includes financial aid, full scholarships, sibling discounts, work-study programmes, and more, all designed to help our students achieve their dreams and succeed in their chosen career paths.

Host Country:  Nigeria

Eligible Countries: All African Countries

Application Open: June 5, 2024 

Deadline: August 5, 2024

Pan Atlantic University Scholarship Duration and Reward

Tuition fee aid/scholarships will be offered to 15% per cent of the university’s students. 5% will be on virtually full scholarships while 10% will be on partial scholarships.

Financial Assistance for Siblings

On the condition that they are concurrently enrolled in PAU, the following discount rates are applicable to siblings:

  • 1st Child: full tuition fee
  • 2nd Child: 10% discount on full tuition fee
  • 3rd Child: 50% discount on full tuition fee
  • 4th Child: 98% discount on full tuition fee

Work-Study Programme

  • Students on scholarships and others who wish to may receive further financial aid by participating in the work-study programme.
  • Students in the work-study programme work at different jobs at the university and are paid for the number of hours of work they put in per month. They may work for a maximum of 20 hours per week.

Other Options

In addition to need-based scholarships, we also offer financing options such as a parent payment plan and the opportunity to pre-pay tuition fees (subject to any increases that the University will implement later).

Required Documents for the Scholarship

  • Letter of Employment (for both parents, if applicable)
  • Three months’ salary slip (for both parents, if applicable)
  • Three months’ bank statements of business account (for both parents, if applicable)
  • Recommendation letter showing evidence and proof of lack of meaningful income (if unemployed or not in business)
  • Other documents may be requested if necessary.

Click here to apply

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